This week I had somewhat of a spontaneous “traditional foods cook day” for our family. When I cook for clients as a personal chef, I call it a “cook day”, so this is where the term comes from. It all came about when I decided to finally catch up on making sauerkraut and broth, both of which have been somewhat ignored since moving into our new house.
I also had to make tea for kombucha, our weekly yogurt and finish off packaging the soaked and dehydrated nuts I’d made over the weekend. I had some time while Elijah slept so I got to work!
I have never made all my ferments and other traditional food items in this way – I usually just spread out making these type of foods over the week. But it actually turned out really well and I got a lot done.
I ended up making the following:
- Lacto-fermented Sauerkraut with carrots and caraway seeds (followed recipe in Nourishing Traditions without the whey and added grated carrots)
- Chicken broth (let cook for almost 24 hours)
- Kombucha
- SCD/GAPS goat yogurt (we go through about 3-4 quarts of this a week so I make it about twice a week)
- Soaked and dehydrated sunflower seeds, almonds and walnuts