
Why not soy?

Most of what I have come to believe about diet is based on my own experience of different foods as well as scientific research.  I have tried many different kinds of diets and have experienced varied results with each.  With some diets, my digestive problems worsened while I gained extra weight.  With others, I felt more energized, my digestive system seemed to work more optimally and I lost weight.

I am a firm believer that each person’s body is different and that each person has to find for themselves what kind of diet works for them.  It is through paying attention to our bodies signals and reactions that we come to know what kind of diet most suits us.

However, one food that I have come to believe is not beneficial for most people is nonfermented soy. This may be off the beaten path of what we are used to seeing in health food stores:  soy cheese and milk, tofu, soy sauce, soy protein powder, baby formula and even soy cream cheese are all products we are familiar with.  (The use of fermented soy products such as miso, natto, and tempeh can be beneficial and healthy.)

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Raw Milk

I have created this website and the Nourishing Foods Menu Planner as resources for people who have allergies or sensitivities to dairy, gluten and soy products.  So it may seem a bit paradoxical at first that I am writing about and promoting the use of raw milk.  However, my hope is that by writing about this somewhat taboo and controversial topic that people who read it will learn the amazing qualities and attributes of this somewhat hidden and healthful food.

It took me a long time to wrap my brain around the possibilities that raw milk holds for people who are “lactose intolerant,” including myself.  The first time I remember hearing about it’s healthful properties was from my chiropractor in Solano Beach, CA.  He basically said that I might want to try it since he knew I couldn’t drink regular pasteurized milk.

Well, that was at least four years ago and I didn’t start drinking it until recently.  It obviously took some convincing on my part to be open to something which has been claimed to be wrought with bacteria and diseases.  Plus, I never liked milk growing up so why start now?

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