Many people do not realize that they may be allergic or at least sensitive to the foods that they are eating on a regular basis. Furthermore, many of the foods commonly available today contain “common allergens,” foods that people are commonly allergic to. These contain but are not limited to: wheat, gluten, dairy, sugar, corn, soy, eggs, peanuts, and nightshade vegetables.
Sally Fallon in her book Nourishing Traditions, talks about why certain foods are hard to digest. She writes:
“Allergy tests have revealed sensitivities to every food commonly eaten, but most prevalent are allergies to milk products and grains… The proteins in grain and milk, namely gluten and casein, are two of the hardest proteins for humans to digest…(pg. 56.”)
The Other Kind of Food Allergy:
It is well known that when someone is allergic to something that their body will immediately react by breaking out in hives or creating some other kind of histamine reaction. These foods or substances can be life threatening to people who have allergies to them and they have to avoid them at all cost.
But some people aren’t aware that there is actually another kind of allergic reaction that the body can produce that is actually a lot harder to figure out, called a “delayed-type hypersensitivity.”