There is a variety of ways to determine whether you are allergic or sensitive to certain foods. These include blood tests, skin prick tests and muscle testing. If you want to take one of these tests, I suggest you find a professional holistic or naturapathic doctor who is versed with food allergies. Each doctor’s approach will be different so it is important for you to ask how they go about testing for allergies.
Keeping a journal:
Did you ever notice that when you’re interested in a certain car, you start seeing it on the road everywhere you go? Are there suddenly more of these cars or are you just seeing them because you’re looking for them?
Awareness is one of the first steps to discovering a diet that works for your body. There are so many things in our lives that divert our attention away from our bodies and we often end up living in our heads when we are at work or at school.
If you want to start the slow but sure detective work of finding out if the foods you are eating are creating your physical, mental or emotional symptoms, a good place to start is to keep a daily journal of what you eat and how you feel.