
The winner of the Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker

Thank you for all who participated in the Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker Free Give-away!  I really appreciate all of your tweets, posts, ice cream recipes and enthusiasm!

It was  a close race and unfortunately I can only give one ice cream maker away.  I eventually had to draw out of a hat because it was too close to call and the winner is…

Kirsten H.

Thanks so much Kirsten for participating and I hope you really enjoy the ice cream maker.

I’ll be doing more give- aways in the future so stay tuned!  I hope you all have a great day!


Free Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker Give Away!

ice cream maker

Yes, you heard right!  Free Ice Cream Maker!

I have the people at CSN stores to thank for allowing me to give away this wonderful kitchen appliance.  CSN has more than 200 online stores that sell everything from cookware to childrens’ furniture such as twin beds.

And the best news is, even if you’re on a very limited diet, you can still eat ice cream!  There are some great recipes for ice cream that are free of dairy, sugar, and even eggs.  Here are just a few:

Strawberry Vanilla Bean Ice Cream

Another Strawberry Ice Cream

Banana Ice Cream

Coconut Lavender Vanilla Ice Cream

Chocolate Ice Cream

In terms of the recipes with fruit, you can easily use any kind of fruit your heart desires – peaches, mangoes, pears, raspberries, blueberries, etc.  You don’t even have to use sweetener in some of these recipes because the fruit is sweet enough.  I have also made vanilla ice cream with just coconut milk, real vanilla bean and honey, similar to the chocolate ice cream above.  However, I only used 1 can of coconut milk for the vanilla.

How to enter to win (only 1 lucky winner!):

So without further ado, here is how you can enter the contest to win a free Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker:

1)  Leave a comment on this blog post and tell me what kind of ice cream you’d like to make with the ice cream maker.  If you have a link to a dairy free and/or sugar free ice cream recipe, that would be great!

2) Tweet about this post and then come back to this blog post and report about it. Here is the link:  http://www.heartofcooking.com/2010/07/free-cuisinart -ice-cream- maker-give-away/

3) Subscribe to my blog via RSS and tell me you did so on the blog post.

4)  Subscribe to my free Newsletter and receive a free Allergen-Free Menu Planner.  Then come back and tell me you did so on the blog post.  You can subscribe here:  http://www.heartofcooking.com/sidebar/sign-up/

5)  Tell your friends about the free give away and then report back on the blog post.

6)  Post this link on you Facebook page.  Here is the link:  http://www.heartofcooking.com/2010/07/free-cuisinart -ice-cream- maker-give-away/ Then come back and tell me about it on the blog.

7)  Visit the CSN furniture store and then come back and tell me what you dream item to buy would be.  Click here for the link:  twin beds


  • The one person who has the most entries will win the ice cream maker.  If there is tie, I will pick a name out a hat at random.
  • This contest is open to anyone in the United States or Canada.
  • This contest will close at the end of Monday, July 12th.  The winner will be announced on Wednesday July 14th.

That’s it!  I hope you are the one who wins.  This is the exact ice cream maker that I own and it has been great!  It is so very easy to make ice cream in it – it literally only takes about 20 minutes for many recipes!  Good luck!

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