
Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (Paleo, GAPS, dairy-free, egg-free and sugar-fee)

This is something I have been wanting to make for a long time!  Ever since I saw a dairy-free recipe that uses spinach leaves by Gnowfglins, I wanted to try making my own concoction of this old time favorite.  That was maybe two years ago…

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Gluten-free Valentine’s Treats and Desserts

Raw Lemon Tart

Happy New Year!  Yeah, I know it’s now February.  I’m a little behind.  Some unexpected things happened in January which set me back a bit and kept me from doing some blog posts like I had intended.  One blog post I hope to do soon will about about egg-free and grain-free baking with the use of grass-fed gelatin.  I have been having great results using gelatin for baked goods and I want to share the ins and outs with you.  Hopefully soon!

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