
Grain-free and Gluten-free Tortillas, nature made

cabbageleavesOkay, so if you’re not a cabbage fan, please don’t run off too quickly.  I used to pass this beautiful vegetable by without a glance because I didn’t know how versatile and delicious it is.  Now that my choices are much more limited, I have been forced to eat more veggies and be more creative with them.

…The result – I feel better than I ever had in my life, but that’s another story!

I love the almond flour tortillas that I make for tacos, but they are quite a bit of work, especially if I need to grind my own almond flour.  So lately I have been primarily using cabbage leaves as taco and burrito wraps.  I have one thing to say – easy and delicious.  Plus they are virtually allergen free except for anyone allergic to cabbage.  (not very common)

Here’s the run down:

wheat-free, gluten-free, grain-free, corn-free, egg-free, nut-free, seed-free, sugar-free, yeast-free, dairy-free, casein-free, nightshade-free – you get the idea!

Kid friendly?  My son gobbles these tacos down like there’s no tomorrow.

One thing I want to start doing on my blog is to do more step by step tutorials on how to do certain things in the kitchen.  I am a very visual person as are a lot of people and I know photos help a lot in explaining how something works.  So the last time I made these cabbage tacos, I took pictures every step of the process so that you can see first hand how to make them.

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Barbecue Sauce – gluten, soy, sugar and starch free

barbeque-sauceHere is another necessary summer recipe!  If you love to grill and if you can’t eat gluten, soy or sugar, you may be looking for a great barbecue sauce you can use on your grilled vegetables and meats.  I ended up making this recipe a few days ago when I wanted to make a Barbecue Meatloaf recipe.  I couldn’t find a barbecue sauce that was free of sugar, starch and gluten, so I made my own.

I am now in love with this sauce and found myself putting it on my zucchini noodles in place of pasta sauce last night.

I started with Ali’s Chipotle Barbecue sauce and just changed a few things.  I made it GAPS friendly by changing the maple syrup to honey and I just deleted the black-strap molasses.  I also used regular chili powder instead of chipotle because it is really too spicy for me and my son.  I also added a tsp. of paprika like Ali suggested.  In the end, I added 2 Tbsp mustard.

I too love the strained tomatoes that Ali talks about in her post, made by Bionaturae.  I buy the tomatoes along with their glass-jarred tomato paste to make most of my tomato dishes like spaghetti sauce.  This is because we are trying to avoid the BPA found in most cans of food.  Why the companies use this chemical to line their cans is beyond me!

I used my blending wand to blend it up, which I was surprised to see didn’t quite blend all the onions up.  But I actually like it a little chunky.  If you like your’s very smooth, use a regular blender for this recipe.  Here it is:

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Sugar Free Lemonade

Sugar Free Lemonade

Sugar Free Lemonade

My son has discovered something that he really loves – “lemon juice,” or otherwise known as lemonade.  It all started when he got sick a few weeks ago and started coughing.  The natural medicines I was using weren’t helping so in the middle of the night, I made him some hot lemon water with honey.  It not only helped him with his cough but he now asks for “lemon juice” everyday.  My husband also loves it so we’ve been drinking quite of a bit of this stuff.  (I am however a little wary that drinking this everyday is hard on his teeth…)

And even though it’s not “officially” summer yet, it has sure felt like it lately here in Maryland.  We started getting some cooler weather a couple days ago but before that, it felt like the middle of July.  So having lemonade has been a very refreshing and yummy drink to enjoy on these hot days.

So if you’re like us and can’t drink the regular sugar-sweetened lemonade available at the store, here is a simple and delicious recipe for lemonade made from fresh lemons.  I vary it a little bit each time and don’t usually measure.

Sugar-Free Lemonade

For 1 serving – multiply by the number of people you want to serve to make more


1/2 lemon (preferably organic), squeezed

1 cup water (part boiling water to help dissolve honey)

1-1/2 Tbsp. raw honey, to taste

ice cubes, optional


Depending upon the kind of honey you’re using, you may need to dissolve it in warm water first.  So I usually do this and then add ice cubes at the end.  Basically add just enough boiling water to the cold water to make it warm enough for the honey to dissolve (don’t put the raw honey in boiling water).  Add the lemon juice, stir, taste, and then add more honey or lemon, depending upon taste.

Add ice cubes, serve, and enjoy!

See?  Very easy!  Enjoy!


Happiness and Banana Ice Cream (dairy-free and sugar free)


Hello everyone and Happy Happy Spring!

You may have noticed my life in the blog world has been anything but active because my life on the home front has been very very busy!

We finally closed on our house the end of April and moved the beginning of May.  We still have a ton of projects to get to but we’re getting settled into our new home.  The other great news is I finally got my camera working so I am able to share my photos with you again!

If you wanted to see the Fire Truck Birthday Cake that I made for Elijah’s 2nd birthday, I was able to upload a picture of it today.  Check it out here!

I haven’t actually been taking many pictures lately, especially of food, but I do have this wonderful photo that I shot of Elijah the beginning of April at the start of spring.  I really love this photo.  When I look at it, it just makes me so happy because he is bursting with joy.  I hope that it fills your day with joy, too!

I also have a wonderful and easy recipe for you ~ Banana Ice Cream.

I mentioned that I got an ice cream maker, so we have definitely been taking advantage of it lately.  However, you can make this without an ice cream maker and it will be a bit more like a milkshake but still very yummy.

Here’s the recipe:

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Slow cooked food, dairy-free ice cream and an allergen-free menu plan

I haven’t been blogging as much as I would like the past couple of months or so, mainly due to the distractions of buying a house.  But the great news is we’re closing on Wednesday and will be moving within a week or so after that.

So time for a little catch up.  I’ve developed two new obsessions/passions in the kitchen.  The first one was the result of an awesome birthday present my friend gave me – a slow cooker.  You’d think I would have owned one of these already but for whatever reason, this is my first one.

I love it!  And the timing couldn’t be better because I’ve been using it a lot when we’ve been busy during the days and I know I’m not going to have time to cook very much in the evenings.  I’m also planning on using it quite a bit in the next week or so because of working on the house once we close and then moving next week.

So far I’ve been using recipes from Stephanie O’Dea’s blog and for the most part have loved everything.  She is also the author of the cookbook Make it Fast, Cook it Slow, which I have yet to purchase but plan to buy soon.

My second new obsession which I am quite thrilled about is making ice cream with my new ice cream maker.  With summer approaching and not being able to eat ANY of the ice cream that is sold in stores, I decided that it was time to take the plunge into the homemade ice cream world.  (We can’t eat sugar or agave, only honey, and only coconut or homemade yogurt for milk).

So far I’ve tried this awesome Lavender Vanilla Coconut Ice Cream recipe which was great, Raspberry Coconut Ice Cream based on Elana’s Strawberry Coconut ice cream recipe, Coffee Ice Cream made with yogurt from the Grain Free Gourmet cookbook, and another Coconut Vanilla Ice Cream that I created.

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New Egg-Free Limited Diet Weekly Menu Planner

Do you need an Egg-Free weekly menu planner for your limited diet?

After I released the GAPS/Paleo and Elimination Diet Menu Planner in February, I realized how necessary an Egg-Free version of this menu planner was because many people emailed me and asked me if and when I would have an egg-free version available.

So, today I am announcing that the GAPS Egg-Free weekly menu planner is available!  This menu planner is very similar to the other GAPS menu planner.  The only difference is I have either converted the recipes that contain eggs to be egg-free or I have replaced them with egg-free recipes.  I also updated the shopping list for the menu planners.

Click here to learn more about the menu planner or to order.

So, here is the rundown of what kind of menu planner this is:





Yeast-free (honey and fruit are included in the menu)


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Gluten Free and Egg Free Zucchini Muffins

I am very excited about this recipe!  I have been testing various egg-free recipes over the past few months with limited success.  Some things have turned out well but I had yet to find a good muffin recipe until today!

My camera is still on the outs so you’ll have to use your imagination.  They actually look pretty similar to my blueberry muffins that have eggs in them.  And the recipe is actually almost the same except for the eggs and zucchini.

The recipe is inspired from a bread recipe on Pecanbread.com where you can find many other grain free and Specific Carbohydrate recipes.  I added some spices, zucchini and a bit of honey to make it a bit more interesting.  I also used applesauce in place of the pears to make it a bit easier.

They are very moist and yummy, just a bit more delicate than the ones made from eggs.  I highly recommend putting a bit of flour in the muffin pans or Pyrex pan to help them come out easier.

So here’s the recipe:

Zucchini Muffins – gluten, grain, egg and sugar free

2 1/2     cups almond flour

1/2        cup applesauce, or a little more if more moisture is needed

1/8        cup honey

1/4 to 1/3 cup coconut oil

1/4       teaspoon salt

1            teaspoon baking soda (delete for GAPS – they will be more dense)

2           tsp cinnamon

1           tsp ground ginger

1/2      tsp ground cloves

1         cup grated zucchini
1.  Preheat oven to 350F.
2.  Blend all ingredients together in a medium mixing bowl.
3.  Spread some coconut oil all around the bottom of an 8″x 8″ baking dish or in 12 muffins tins. Sprinkle a little almond flour on the bottom of the pans to keep them from sticking.
4.  Spread mixture into pan and smooth it out or place spoonfuls into muffin tins until you have 12.
5.  Bake 30-35 minutes for the bread or 20-25 minutes for muffins.

Variations: Add some peanut butter and cinnamon, OR in place of the pearsauce, use pureed acorn squash and a little cinnamon OR pureed carrots and a little cinnamon. You can also add vanilla, honey and nuts.

On the home front, we have not yet moved or closed on our house, but we are hoping that our April 9th settlement date is going to stick.  I haven’t been blogging very much as you can see but I hope to get back into the swing of things soon!

Have a great day!


Kid’s Gluten-free Birthday Cake plus Natural Red Food Coloring

Last weekend we had a belated second birthday party for Elijah and his friends at the downtown Fire Station in Frederick.  His birthday lands three days before Christmas so we decided to wait to have the “kid” party when people weren’t so busy.

It was great!  The firemen and women showed us around the station, we got to sit in the fire engine (best part), see a fire man get dressed in all of his gear and see inside an ambulance. We also got to witness a 911 call and an ambulance driving out of the station.

The cake:

My mom found a fire truck cake mold at a local craft store so I made the cake in the shape of a fire truck.  One of Elijah’s favorite cakes that I made over the holidays for the Just Desserts for Limited Diets e-book was the Carrot Cake with Vanilla Icing.  So I used that recipe but ended up doubling it because the pan was pretty big and said it fit a two layer cake mix.

When we took it out of the mold, it ended up looking like a rectangle with a point at one end because the fire truck imprint didn’t show up on the cake.  I realized that I was going to have to decorate it so that people could see what it was!  I guess I just hadn’t thought about this before I made the cake.

Natural Red Food Coloring:

I had already planned on using the Vanilla Frosting recipe from GNOWFGLINS.com.  I then decided to make the wheels and ladder out of raisins (since the cake has raisins in it, I thought this was a good choice).  Then, I was trying to figure out how to make red frosting without red food coloring to outline the shape of the truck.

I decided beet juice was the was to go so I sent Dave to the store.  We have a juicer so we juiced the beets to make the juice.  It didn’t take very much to turn the icing bright red-fuchsia.  My mom had a cake decorating kit that I used to outline the truck in red icing and it turned out adorable.

Here are the recipes:

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What kind of weekly menu planner are you looking for?

First off, I apologize again for my absence on my blog.  We now have a contract on a house and are in the midst of all the details before we close.

Also, on a personal note, I am finding that wintertime has been urging me towards resting more and being more internal.  I mentioned in one of my New Year’s posts that I am not suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) this season like I have in the past.  What I feel is happening instead is that I am actually enjoying the “yin” energy of the winter.  This is mostly showing up as working less, relaxing more, taking more baths, and not going out as much.  It seems like it started shortly before the massive winter wonderland we received a few weeks ago. To me, this is a real sign that my being is balancing out and becoming more in tune with nature, the way we are supposed to be.

New Changes to my Menu Planners and Website:

At the same time, I am very excited about some upcoming changes to my website.  I am not ready to go into all the details of what is going to change but I feel I want to start talking about them at some level.

These changes are in response to the needs people with multiple food allergies have.  When I started my menu planners, I didn’t really know what I was getting into.  But I did realize that making menu planners for people with food allergies posed some real problems to solve.  The main one being – everyone is allergic to something different.  There are common food allergens, but from there, there are so many other foods that people can be allergic to.  Beyond that, people, especially children, have many preferences of what they like to eat and what they don’t like.

I have been solving this problem by creating menu planners for specific diets.  The response to this has been great and so far I have the following menu planners.  Most of them are for four weeks of menu plans:

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The GAPS Limited Diet Menu Planner is here!

If you’ve been waiting for the GAPS menu planner, it is now available!

I am very happy to be able to offer this menu planner for people who follow Full GAPS, SCD or Paleo diets.  This menu planner is also dairy-free with nut-free options.

It is also a great menu planner as an elimination diet or for people who are on a yeast-free diet.

I have personally found this diet to be extremely helpful in my own life.  I truly can’t believe the changes that have occurred in my life as a result of following a grain, starch, sugar and yeast free diet.

To name just a few major changes, my lifelong mood swings and depression have almost completely vanished.  I have much more energy and the anxiety that I began to experience postpartum has been replaced with a peaceful and happy mind and heart!

I am really full of gratitude for the diet coming into my life!  I have been writing about these changes in my blog, and will be continuing with my post-postpartum experiences very soon.  You can read about my experiences with GAPS here.

Who can benefit from the GAPS diet?  (Find out more here at the official GAPS website)

Anyone with the following symptoms or experiences in life:

  • Depression
  • Autism
  • ADHD
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  • Learning disabilities
  • Schizophrenia
  • Anxiety
  • Nightwakings
  • Behavioral problems
  • Hyperactivity
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Ecxema
  • Asthma
  • Colic
  • Failure to Thrive
  • Fussy eaters
  • IBS – Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Frequent colds, flu or ear infections
  • Dyslexia
  • Dyspraxia
  • Not breast-fed
  • Have had numerous courses of antibiotics
  • Chronic cystitis
  • Mood swings
  • Poor memory
  • Difficulties to concentrate
  • Underweight
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Any other digestive disorder

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