
It's not about doing it "right"

When we are learning anything new – such as learning to cook – it is easy to get caught in the belief that you have to make a recipe perfect the first time you try it. However, making “mistakes” is inevitable when you’re learning anything new.  I think “learning experiences” is a better name for them than mistakes.  I also call them explorations.  Each time something doesn’t “turn out” as expected, I use the experience to gain knowledge as to what will most likely work better next time.  Or sometimes, I do something I didn’t mean to and it turns out better than it would have otherwise.

Maybe you already know how to cook but are new to cooking gluten or dairy-free meals. You may feel a little apprehension about it because it is brand new and requires some new learning on your part.  However, the only way anyone learns anything is to just jump in and try it.  And a good place to start is to follow some gluten and dairy-free recipes.

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