
Pantry Essentials

I personally find that cooking and shopping is much easier when I have basic ingredients on hand, and only need to shop for the extra things weekly.  I have compiled a list of items that I use regularly when I cook and which I consider to be the staples of the kitchen cabinet.

You will see that I have jars of ginger and garlic on the list – these are two of my short cuts that make my life easier in the kitchen.  I still enjoy using fresh garlic and ginger, but when I don’t have much time to grate or crush (or am just feeling lazy), these “pantry essentials” come in very handy.

  1. Olive oil, coconut oil
  2. Organic butter, unsalted
  3. Jar of grated ginger (try to avoid buying it with added sugar or corn syrup) and fresh ginger root
  4. Jar of minced garlic and fresh garlic cloves
  5. Vinegar – Bragg’s apple cider vinegar, balsamic, red wine vinegar
  6. Lemons and limes and a juicer or lemon juice and lime juice in a jar.  Try to find only 100% juice if buying in a jar.
  7. sea  salt and pepper
  8. Onions
  9. An array of herbs and spices:  basil, oregano, thyme, parsley, marjoram, rosemary, bay leaf, curry powder, paprika, cayenne, coriander, ground cumin, cinnamon, cardamon, allspice, nutmeg
  10. Boxes of organic or free-range chicken and vegetable stocks. However it easy it is to make your own if you have a little extra time.  Avoid buying bouillon cubes as they are high in salt and have other additives.
  11. Canned diced tomatoes
  12. Cans of coconut milk
  13. Nuts – walnuts, cashews, almonds
  14. Unsweetened original almond milk, rice milk, goat milk and/or raw milk
  15. Dates and other dried fruit
  16. Gluten-free flours and gluten-free baking ingredients

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